Instagram social media post advertising Zoo Brew presented by Red Valley Zoo! A fun getaway event for adults 21 years of age and older. Fun imagery utilized in a humorous way to engage with the target audience. A cohesive and consistent look throughout the entire campaign shows professionalism as well. No animals were harmed in the making of these advertisements!

Zoo Brew magazine advertisement showing a peaceful elephant with his quirky mug brings humor and engagement to the viewer. It's Ele-phantastic is a catchy phrase that visitors may pick up on and use throughout the event. Target audience is adults 21 years of age and older. Again, no animals were harmed throughout the campaign brief.

Zoo Brew billboard advertisement located in a busy area that will catch the eye of passerby's as they are on their way to or from work, out shopping with friends, or running errands. Drawing attention possibly to parents or adults looking for a fun, but not far getaway to relax and enjoy the company of amazing animals!